IRARA partners with Frontex to provide reintegration assistance in Nigeria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Vietnam.
IRARA is delighted to be partnering with Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, for the provision of reintegration assistance to returnees departing on a voluntary or non-voluntary basis form Member States and Schengen Associated Countries to their countries of origin. This contributes to an effective return policy in the European Union, ensuring that returns are done in a dignified and humane manner. IRARA will ensure the delivery of high-quality reintegration support in Nigeria, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Turkey and Vietnam.
The two types of reintegration assistance Frontex distinguishes are:
- Post-arrival assistance (short-term, up to three days) consists of immediate assistance upon arrival, organised and coordinated between the responsible Member State and IRARA prior to departure of the returnee.
- Post-return assistance (long-term, up to 12 months) consists of assistance beyond immediate arrival which is discussed and agreed upon between IRARA and the returnee in the country of return.

During the reintegration assistance, Member States, Frontex and IRARA work closely together to ensure the returnees get the best possible reintegration assistance.
Member States hold an important responsibility to make sure that returnees are well informed and prepared before their return. They request the reintegration assistance from Frontex and ensure a proper verification, approval and closure of the reintegration assistance.
Frontex is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Joint Reintegration Services. A Service Desk is established to serve as first-line support to Member States’ authorities and the reintegration partner.
IRARA finally ensures the delivery of quality reintegration assistance in accordance with the Joint Reintegration Services specifications. More information about IRARA’s reintegration services is here.
If you are a 3rd country national currently living in Europe and you think you might be eligible for Joint Reintegration Services, please contact the government in the European country where you currently reside.
More information about IRARA and the Joint Reintegration Services programme can be found: